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Newsletter Rehabilitation Sciences
- 1st September 2021 -
No time for holiday blues, with following to do's.
A new school year, an approaching academic year in code green, as well as hopeful COVID-19 rules and a great list with fun activities, Reva and not Reva made.
Which ones will you attend with the colleagues?
Physical Therapy Day
Next Wednesday September 8 our department and the colleagues of Ghent University Hospital are joining forces and we celebrate World Physical Therapy Day.

At 16:00 we welcome presentor, writer and experience expert on person-centred care Krista Bracke who will present her latest book. In Van mens tot mens: hoe patiënten zorgverleners kunnen inspireren she reaches fifteen valuable lessons for qualitative health care. The lecture lasts until 18:00 and everyone is welcome, in auditorium C or online. Accreditation is requested.
Afterwards it is time for aperitif and BBQ on the campus. Something to eat, to drink and and interesting acquaintance with the physiotherapists from Ghent University Hospital!
Don't hesitate too long, you can sign up until Thursday September 2.
Sign up for Physical Therapy Day
REVA Reset 2021
Tuesday September 14 is dedicated to REVA Reset aka the good old staff day, however in a more marketing wording. Many colleagues already signed up, but there's place left on our ark. You can sign up until Monday September 6.

In the meantime our plans have slightly changed, but we won't tell you everything: we start our engines at 11:30, foresee lunch and other fun activities in the afternoon. Location: we stay ashore in our beloved Ghent.
Sign up for REVA Reset
To spice up the day, we ask you to fill in the questionnaire below. Facts, stuff and secrets, to share at own - however limited - risk!
Fill in the questionnaire
UGent sports day
An opening week at Ghent University without a sportive afternoon is unimaginable. Sitting at a desk, scrolling through your mailbox or attending a Teams meeting as a couch potato is not an option this time. However, rope skipping, krav maga, fencing, darts (sorry, not a sport according to your mail writer), bouldering or bum-ball are, as well as many other activities. Sportive, recreative, relaxing, everyone will find their favorite activity on Tuesday September 21.
In the evening you can - with or without an active afternoon - line up at the (vegetarian) BBQ or paella at Campus Sterre.
Sign up for UGent sports day
UGent Happy Start

An opening week at Ghent University without an evening filled with music, drinks and dancing is unimaginable. On Friday September 24 we celebrate seeing each other back and the start of the new academic year. From 16:00 until 22:00 at Campus Sterre, those are the coordinates.
With your registration you can also request your favorite song, from pounding techno music to folklore.

Sign up for UGent Happy Start
Reva proclamations - save the dates

Back after a year of absence: the proclamations in real life shape and in double dose. Our department is premium supplier of below educations, highlight their proclamations in your agenda!

  • Occupational Therapy, Sunday morning October 17 - Aula
  • Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy, Sunday afternoon October 17 - UFO
  • Logopaedic and Audiological Sciences, Saturday morning October 23 - UFO
Questions, remarks or suggestions for the newsletter?
Speak up via thibault.bonte@ugent.be!